Plus steel decked bridge.
Plus steel decked bridge.
Also: The size of 34" waist jeans hasn’t kept up with my weight gain.
Just about every Canadian prime minister comes to power with the majority of votes split among the many other parties.
If I were a passenger of a driver who was driving this badly, I’d get out and walk.
Wait. Torchinski’s gone?
VFR into IMC.
You joke, but there’s a company in Quebec that will install a diesel-powered heater in your Chevy Bolt.
No Vista roof, no deal.
I hope VW is watching the Ford Maverick as they think about an electric pickup: smallish, versatile bed, no-nonsense durable interior.
That would be part of it, yes. A very small part.
If she had been trained by the cops, she would have known that the correct action is to kneel on their neck until their heart stops.
Nothing says “grass roots” like a huge video screen behind your stage.
I mean it kinda is the invisible hand, giving us the finger, as usual.
At 75% it reminds me of that taxi I took in Maputo that one time.
We need to fund mental health services better.
I’ll believe oil is expensive enough when people shut their personal locomotives off when they’re parked on hot days rather than leaving them running to keep them cool inside.
It seemed for a while like the price of oil was functioning as an economic regulator the last couple of cycles. Price of oil drops, economy booms, causing greater energy consumption which causes the price of oil to rise, which causes reduction of economic activity rinse repeat. Almost like oil was replacing the role…
I mean, millions of people will die if climate change SNAFUs agriculture, so potato/potahto I guess.
In my half of Canada, used Bolt prices are just now beginning to dropdown to the level of just before Covid, for the same model year cars which are now two years older.