I believe the phrase is “Socialism with special Chinese characteristics”.
I believe the phrase is “Socialism with special Chinese characteristics”.
Don’t worry. It’ll come.
I know it’s an illusion, but a cigarette lighter mounted to the steering wheel would be the most French thing ever.
Nikki Gordon-Bloomfield at the Transport Evolved channel on the Tube of You is the only person I’ve ever heard pronounce Folksvahgen correctly. Even I don’t pronounce it correctly.
And she could fix it if it broke! (which, being an Allegro, it would)
Jason, you would have made a great archaeologist. By which I mean a really bad one.
1974 was a bad year, as designers tried to cope with the new bumper regs.
Controversial opinion.
Does no-one push the envelope anymore?
In Northern New York the seasons are :
Imagine how a Robin would handle if it had a rear-mid engine like this thing.
Imagine how a Robin would handle if it had a rear-mid engine like this thing.
In Canada DX trim level Honda Fit, for one. Crank windows too.
There is a unit of measure among the masters of the universe on Wall Street and their families called a “hun”, as in: “do the Joneses have their hun yet?”. It is the point at which you are supposed to be secure in having an acceptable standard of living regardless of economic fluctuations and so forth.
There has to be some consequence for corporate malfeasance beyond denial of bonuses.
This is a state law. How does “New York levels of congestion” apply to, say, Malone, NY, or Corning, NY?
Weird, right?