It looks precisely like a neon being humped by a slug.
It looks precisely like a neon being humped by a slug.
But do they know that?
Boomers, by definition, were born after WWII.
Sure. I don’t take the lane unless I’m going the same speed as the car my following. But keep in mind, if I move to the right (I’m in Canada) for you, for my own safety I will need to reserve enough space to dodge car doors that open suddenly in front 0f me, or to move over further if you try to pass too close, which…
Cue the usual defensive bigots claiming it was a false-flag operation in 3. 2. 1...
This is fine, as long as you are talking about actual laws, and make allowances for the same small infractions that motorists routinely make (like not coming to an absolute complete stop at a stop sign with no nearby traffic).
See, here’s the thing> First you say that bicyclists should obey the “rules of the road”, but then you go on to list the “special rules for bicyclists I just pulled out of my ass” that you also expect bicyclists to obey.
Nah. I get just as much hostility in my current, clinically obese form as my younger, very fit self did.
Sometimes it’s a plutocrat-wannabe who thinks bikes are for the poors.
I think the point is that even if they make you slow down occasionally, bicyclists, overall, speed up your commute by reducing congestion.
The only reason I can think of is that they have really awkward clip ins.
And motorists insist on parking in bike lanes when they have perfectly good parking spaces on the other side of the street, and forcing us to cut into traffic.
Most bike paths are designed for the convenience of motorists.
If I had insurance, the police would have to take me seriously when I file a collision report, and the insurance company could ensure that the at-fault party faces some consequences.
Where they do exist, there will be cars parked in it.
In my former jurisdiction, the fine for riding on the sidewalk was TWICE the fine for parking in the bike lane.
If you are going insist that bicyclists should obey the rules of the road because otherwise their behaviour is unpredictable and dangerous, then I agree with you.
How do you feel about workers driving, say, a backhoe at 15mph and slowing down a whole lane of traffic? Should they be on the sidewalk too?
Getting to a destination?
Maybe if cars could just stop parking in bike lanes.