Douche Gossage

What if you are the owner of that supermarket?

He just fucking said DON’T BE TOM LLAMAS!


The cops can read the paper same as everyone else. A good reporter would have reported the looting and let the cops read it for themselves. When reporters report to the police FIRST they cease to be reporters and become narcs.

As a llama, I would like to state that we, the llama community, do not have any association with Mr. Llamas and condemn any spitting in victims’ faces. For the record, we’re also not cool with all the Nazis that have been running around lately either.

During Katrina fucking WALMART told their manager to break into the store (he had to bust in with a forklift) to give away products to people who needed them.

I hope you drown in a highly localized flood.

We probably should not be humoring your idiocy, but what exactly is the supermarket going to do with those goods? Are they going to sell old bread and milk when they reopen after the flood?

Holy shit, you suck.

so let’s divert emergency resources from rescuing people to arresting people for trying to feed themselves.

If I owned the supermarket I would have insurance and I wouldn’t sell flood damaged food. What if you didn’t have the means to evacuate or prepare enough supplies for the storm?

Yes, it is okay that victims of one of the worst flooding disasters in the nation’s history are finding food and water where they can. If I’m the owner of that supermarket, I’m not going to whine about a few thousand dollars worth of staples coming off the shelf. That’s probably why I have insurance.

Holy crap is this a nuclear take. Does it occur to you, oh paragon of the Free Market, that a supermarket has already written off its entire stock? If the power’s out for as long as it has been the entire damn inventory is no longer able to be sold, it would be thrown out either way. But hey someone somewhere is

It’s only criminal looting if the perps are black. If they’re white, it’s upstanding citizens doing the best they can to provide for their families in a time of crisis.

Tom Llamas will write you up for printing your concert tickets from your office printer because it’s stealing company property.

Tom Llamas is OK with drawing a walk in beer league softball.

Not to worry. He’s already tweeted to clarify that the thing that he said happened isn’t what happened or what he said.

Tom Llamas repeatedly beats young children at board games; says it builds character.

Tom Llamas calls 3 second violations in pick up basketball games.

To be fair, Llamas is Spanish for “You call.”