Gabriel Normandeau

The problem as seen is that quebecers are the only place in America where you have a french dominant society. That + the history of discrimination Quebecers/french canadian. (Discrimination that still exist but especially in the rest of Canada for education)

... i just want to say that the office exist since 1977. It is not something new. The name is closest to the Office of french language. It has multiple aspects. (Like finding the equivalent in french of an english word) The law does make big changes but this is more a tightening of past laws. (And not in a good way. I

... he is really an eldritch creature.

But they are making... money? They are not just friends around a table. They are making making money using media even. That change everything!

Also. The world is so much complex than Liberal and conservative.

... This is what they call a chronicle.

It is actually pretty good one since they reference an actual essay that, even if it is old, seems to support what is the phenomena you see.

That weird. I thought i was really written piece of a forgotten aspect. It has reference and everything. 

I only wonder why humanity seems to thrive when there is a limit.

I just feel uncomfortable about this impression. It is like intruding someone private life or asking what do you think of this? to someone who had a very bad week.

It is. I have finished it. Then, i looked at the internet and i was like. Oh.... So this is more easier than i thought.

I am more of person that think you shouldn’t never blame the player for their actions inside the game. Using other options than combat (or doing something else than hitting) is not something natural. You learn this by socialising with more experienced players and gming. It is a a natural process. And so, the problem

As a player, i will be very afraid that rules are only a guideline. I really don’t like giving that much power on the GM. I prefer when the rules are set. It is far easier to navigate.


Putting the responsability on the GM for the weakness of a rpg system rubs me in a wrong way.

He want the game Satisfy. (A fictionnal game from a book.)

Miyamoto seems to like doing what is not expected.

It took less time for me... i think? Oh wow! I played 25 hours or more!

It almost as they see Kotaku staffs as object of their anger and not like actual human beings.

That voice...