The 95 Feces

TWD took a long time to introduce the character that wears gigantic goggles atop their head for no apparent reason that is seemingly mandatory in all post-apocalyptic programs.

I was always a Gwen guy, and my heart practically stopped when I saw Bryce.  She looked amazing!

I thought the omelet scene was the most cringe thing in the series, Jazz Club included.

The Fantastic Four movies are not nearly the abominations people make them out to be.  It’s just piling on now.

That’s my point. Killing someone because you don’t like the color of their skin is the same as killing someone because you want their wallet. You killed someone. You should be put away for life, no parole. In a cold cell, no college, no cable, no pointless rehab or “restorative justice”.  Put a noose in the corner

This guy murdered a bunch of people.  I don’t give a flying fuck who, or why.  He needs to die, ASAP.  Divining motives to determine punishment is fucking stupid.

Kamilla, Chester, and Singh are just cynical, rather hilarious Diversity Box checkmarks the producers have made zero effort with. This show has become embarrassing to watch.

Them trying to sell us on Maggie as an intimidating bad-ass with those repeated slow-motion walks last week was borderline comedy.  Ooh, so scary!  The Library Lady’s friend is back!

Weeelll... she didn’t go into this planning to be an analingus analyst. She thought epidemiology would be an interesting field, she wanted to do something science/medical related without having to go to med school, and she has an aptitude for statistics. Her first job included this study. I got a lot of laughs.

My daughter is an epidemiologist who has done interesting work studying the occurrence of unpleasant diseases among young urban professionals that formerly were only found in farm settings where contact with (animal) feces was common. It’s a good message.

I was already having trouble with the feelings that problematic scene in Super stirred in me.  “Come on Frank, it’s all gushy!”.  

I avoided reviews and all other stories, waited until the penultimate episode was released, then binged it all in a week and was surprised by everything. It was great.

It’s always shocking when I bring up Homicide and am met with blank stares. Apparently it’s not streaming anywhere.

They run homophobic, illiberal dictatorships where none but Muslims enjoy full rights. Fuck ‘em.

Hmm... the main character’s wife/childhood best friend/everyone’s buddy for years... or Cisco’s girlfriend of five minutes and Some Guy?

People from middle eastern royal families are all fabulous humanitarians who should only be spoken of in glowing terms.

Oh wow, you’re right! The dad Fonzie backed down from was Bruce Weitz, soon to be famous as Mick Belker on Hill Street Blues!

It’s the grievance industry, reaching a bit. Must be a slow day in Outrage World.

The horror! Using makeup to make a character look like the person she is depicting! They’re as bad as Hitler!