The 95 Feces

Sadly, you are right. I work in advertising. Granted, not as zippy as film/TV, but can still be a good time. And yet every now and then you run into an asshole who makes everyone’s life miserable, even though we should all be enjoying the fun atmosphere, relatively easy pace, and ready access to booze. I once

*Registered gun owners.

Many years ago I had a guy pull that on me. Front end on my 72 Fury was a little wobbly so I took it into a nearby shop I had no relationship with, being a dumb 21-year-old. Guy showed me the shot bearings and whatnot, quoted me $1200 to fix a car I had paid $240 for a year prior. Told him no thanks, I’ll either do

The answer to “do you have a trade-in” is “No, I have the internet and will sell it for several thousand dollars more than you will give me”.

Until very recently, the latest-model car I ever owned was my 2006 Tucson. Even now, it’s the 2013 Kia Sorrento we got when my father-in-law died. I’ve never had a touchscreen or any of those gewgaws, and I don’t want any of it.

Oh my God, no one tell Cuomo about this. The climate scolds will be poking around our garages looking to cadge more money out of us.

It blows my mind that people can be such assholes in this situation. You’ve reached the top of your profession, one millions of people would give practically anything to work in. Producing successful, fantastic work loved by hordes of fans. Every day should be sunshine and fucking rainbows, everyone should be

The only thing worse than Suicide Squad is that new Harley Quinn mess. That shit was Catwoman-level unwatchable. I’d rather watch the Josh Trank Fantastic 4.

And Tony Dalton was the best bad guy on TV in many years. Do these Globes people even watch these shows?

The Dodge Challenger Thunberg.  The badge can be a scowling brain-damaged teen.

Yes, we’ll legislate all the fun out of automobiles and destroy our economy to meet farcical Paris Climate Accords goals, while China and India laugh and build more coal plants.

There’s no arguing with the cultists.

Problem is, you run out of ideas when you only ridicule one side.

Someone you’re trying to get rid of calls and says he will kill himself if you don’t come back.  Uh, bye-bye.  Problem solved.

Too bad they already made the (very enjoyable) biopic!

They’re so good. They really appeal to such a broad section of fans. I was (am) a big classic rock canon guy - Zep, Stones, Who - and I still really liked INXS.  Never really got much into them, sadly, until they were done.  Would have enjoyed seeing them.  My wife picked “Never Tear Us Apart” as our wedding song

“Get ready for the rolling blackouts and sky high energy costs.”

I am one.

Crisis was all downhill after that Burt Ward bit. So bad my wife swore off all the Arrowverse shows.

I have a DVD box set I got as a gift like 10 years ago. I’ve never watched them. Do they not have the original music in them?