The 95 Feces

A full year of “mostly peaceful protests” centered on looting stores, burning buildings and destroying property, now you’re wetting yourself over a couple of bedsheets getting ripped down? Better hurry to your fainting couch!

My wife is an office worker at a public college. One of her co-workers is 78, literally doesn’t know how to turn on a computer, and performs one actual work function that is done via printed list and telephone. She can’t be fired because Union, and she refuses to retire because “Oh, I wouldn’t know what to do with

So-called “liberals” want to increase policing in every aspect of life except law enforcement.  Speech, thought, where you live, what you watch on TV and read, how you get around, who can have what job...

Stealing confidential, classified military documents and intelligence and giving them out willy-nilly is not “whistle-blowing”.  Manning should have hung.

Free advice to HBO:

Easter 1982. Everyone’s family celebrations were over so my friends and I decided to go to the movies. We were hanging out behind the department store (Korvette’s?) in the same shopping plaza, drinking. I went to pee next to the dumpster and looked inside, and was stunned to see cases of chocolate rabbits.  We

In the early 80s when I was in high school, a local theater had midnight showings of rock and roll movies. We used to go a lot, especially whenever The Song Remains The Same was running. The manager gave no fucks what people brought in, as long as everyone behaved and didn’t damage anything. Shows were packed, ever

I bought my parents’ low-mileage 88 Ciera 4-door with the 3.8 in 1991. That car was fantastic. Fast, comfortable, ice-cold-air. I still miss it. My wife wanted a minivan and said we had to sell the Cutlass or my 68 LeMans convertible beater. Looking back, I made the wrong choice.

My aunt gave us one in 1986 when my uncle died. It was an unmitigated piece of shit. I tried taking it to college and I had to drive in the right lane with flashers on going 35 mph up the hills on rte 80 in NJ. It stalled regularly. It was uncomfortable and hideous.  The door actually came off in my sister’s hand

It is and will always be hilarious. It has some jokes that would never pass muster with the cancel crowd, which makes it all the better. A few years ago my then-20-year-old daughter finally watched it after tiring of hearing me tout it. She’s of the generation that is contractually required to hate everything that

I was in middle school when Steve’s “King Tut” was a thing. My friends and I in the school concert band figured out an arrangement of King Tut and at the end of our concert during the desultory applause we stood up and played it.  The parents and rest of the crowd went bananas!  That was huge in the day. 

I came to Supernatural even later. When it premiered in 2005 I was still sore about the early cancellations of Angel and Buffy (and some shows on other networks) and decided I was done investing myself in new series only to have them ripped away. So I ignored a show about two guys riding around in a classic car

What’s worse: smug sanctimonious Colbert or weepy douchebag Colbert?

On a show where the villain literally changes people’s faces, they needed to change the main character’s identity to score more social justice points. I’ll pass.

Deadly Foes of Spider-Man is one of my favorite series of all time.

Should I not watch it?

Angel’s last episode is crazy. On the one hand, it was a dramatic way to close out that story (and show) with uncertainty. But boy howdy would I have loved some more seasons.

Eddie yesterday.  My 22-year-old cat today.  It’s not been great.

As if Eddie wasn’t already cool enough, he goes and marries the girl EVERY guy my age had a crush on.

Simpsons is still mildly amusing, occasionally has fun episodes. It’s better than watching assholes giving each other traumatic brain injuries on Sunday night.