
Cat shirt.

This is especially egregious since MLB has added that rectangle target right there above the plate.

Well you can say the Lego probably has better initial quality than the Land Rover.

When I’m talking in terms that the average white American would understand, I use the Nazi comparison - because they have to understand that it can be *that* bad even when the intent isn’t a “death camp”. People have to understand what the ultimate consequences are of allowing this to continue. Concentration Camps can

I’m not particularly a “scholar” of WW II, but I did minor in history with a concentration in the European theater of that war—and I lived in Germany for five years (had the opportunity to visit Auschwitz, as well).

Based on that education and those experiences, I can only say the following:

Americans tend to conflate

These are not the kinds of freights these engines were meant to be harbored in...

If what happened was truly “unimaginable” then we will never see it. This is fiction, everything in it is imagined.

As a Registered Tow Operator in Washington state, I can tell you that this is a favorite of mine. Depending on how long the vehicle has been parked (and a few other details), the property owner signs a form (provided by me and available online) stating that they own or are legally responsible for the property. I tow

It snow wonder the roof is crushed.

Lots of cheap punches to the back of the head, but I guess that’s what they do.

[Don’t say it]

Reminds me of the time that I bought the bottle of Johnny walker Blue Label and dropped it in the parking lot.

Well, there’s that 47% that doesn’t want to work or take responsibility for anything.

Seriously. The thing that makes me most angry about this whole racket is that this kid publicized her own apathy about being at USC. It is a foul tornado of privilege and if I were a hard-working, underprivileged student out there I’d honestly lose all faith in the system (if I hadn’t already).

The really dumb question: Why does she even need a degree? What could it possibly do for her? Why would her parents pay 500k to get her into a good school when they could put that same money toward ... idk, launching a clothing line or acting classes or some other kind of self promotion more in line with this woman’s

I, for one, find it refreshing that a Becky is finally being charged with something.

This happens more than you'd think. More so among National League owners who refuse to employ designated hitters.

Penn State’s football program should be burned to the ground.

Actually the Browns and the Alouettes already have a connection. The current iteration of Alouettes dates to 1996, the original franchise being defunct in 1987.

*takes a drag of cigarette, exhales*