
That sounded nothing like Nickelback.

One of your fellow writers also loves this article...

And now you know how the straight chicks feel about the original! Cept, I suppose it’s not so much unappealing as it is “oh god, not this again.”

1. Your Drew Magary imitation is getting very good

I showed this video to my wife and she insisted she couldn’t make out a dick. I got pretty irrationally angry at her.

i cant believe i just wrote “perceived testicles” unironically

I got her license, registration and insurance card. I didn’t leave empty handed.

The guy who was beaten (Alexian Lien) admitted it on the witness stand during one of the criminal trials:

Would you like some wood to knock on?

It comes up a lot. But, House of Leaves.

Not needed. Your back seats fold flat as it is.

This might be a tad, just a tad, much.

Building a 4L60E for my pickup truck. I had to make a number of custom tools to assemble the bushings and clutch packs as well as make a portion of my shop abnormally clean to keep contamination to a minimum. It was extremely tedious work. However, I really cocked up by not building a stand to keep the transmission

Your user name is ‘fags and AIDS go hand in hand’ backwards. Like your opinion is anything worth wiping someone’s ass with.

Well all know this is happening because it’s a Yuri game and people will eat that shit up. The market for Steam VN is bent decidedly toward the ones catering to gross, hyper-sexualized stories. It’s what sells and almost all of what companies like Manga Gamer care to put out.

Step 1 get really good at sanding. you need to get all the bad paint off if you want a good job. you cant spray good over bad, you just get more bad. so either take the car to get it soda blasted or spend the next 3 months doing nothing but sanding your car to get the crappy off and the base smooth and perfect.

So THAT'S the origin of "1.5PSI off".

And don't forget, Tiff drove Torch's wife's Scion at Willow Springs not too long ago.