
Nah. I’ll hold it against him - he’s a Republican. He’s probably already spawned a Legna, a Brook’Lynne and a couple of Jairyds.

FYI all these clowns harping on me about liking Domino’s are distracting me from finishing Shade Court so maybe just consider who the REAL enemy is here.

I try to always remember to use “please” and “thank you” with mine so that I am on the “leave alive” list when the AI uprising eventually takes place.

when i was talking to my friend about this....I was like “Consider this instead...

State of the union addresses where, instead of applause breaks, the assembled senators just shout “PLUS ONE!”

Same idea. It’s tasteless and you store it in the basement.

I thought Reddit was Gamergate’s special corner of Reddit.

But it didn’t include a pointed inhale-through-teeth to punctuate the joke, as it would if it were on video. Which you would know, if you followed Doug on Twitter, where he posts videos in which he inhales through his teeth after jokes.

well and the book which I am quoting was written nearly 25 years ago

Just my luck to end up with have had two Saabs that don’t have the ignition in the middle.

Shouldn't it be the other way round? BMW does it he other way.

Now playing

I’m going to go with Dead Island super emotional teaser trailer, myself:

Torchinsky saying, “I have an idea” is the car design world version of “hold ma beer ...” Something bold, possibly funny and definitely ridiculous is about to happen.

I am a[n emotionally stunted and/or sociopathic] 26-year-old man living in Michigan. I have a 17-year-old [and therefore, I assume, highly susceptible to manipulation through implicit or explicit threat of physically and/or emotionally abusive behavior] coworker [around] who[m I have constructed an elaborate sexual

We go to Ruby Tuesday’s fairly often as an after movie dinner place, and the idea of a guy acting like a wine expert there is hysterical, it’s like pretending to be a connoisseur of steak at Arby’s.

I love the idea that he wasn’t supposed to call the police on people about to endanger those around them.

If it wasn’t Voodoo it was doodoo. I’ll see myself out.