
Yep. I’m sure these exciting concepts will be heavily watered down and boring and very... Japanese in appearance. Like why bother building a concept car if you’re going to 1/3 the design? Hell the old impreza looked sleeker and more modern than the last one in 2012

Glad you’re still around, that’s a hell of a hit.

This speaks infinitely more volumes than any press releases, drive alongs and demonstrations ever could about the safety of this technology.

4th Gear: Thailand is the new cheap manufacturing center in that area of the world. Or China. Chinese built Fits have been sold in Canada for awhile now and they’re still selling. Volvo has finally begun to import their S60L from China to America as well...

Aside from possibly bumpers and side markers, all easy fixes, it is. The suite of airbags were standard on all models being the top end of the range.

Yeah and I was poised to agree... but the idea that awesome unholy mashup can be confiscated at any time because of a shady importation is not worth it.

They sure favour it when exporting though

Well we were all completely scammed.

“Casualty” does not = dead in medical terms. It’s general for victim.

Especially when as Bruce she may have wanted to wear makeup daily for many years. Seriously I don’t think anyone his holding a blow dryer to her head.

It’s what your penis did to ALL women. You should be ashamed.

I won’t argue she’s kind of gross and not my type, but I would never publicly shame an ex like that years later, it’s low class. I’m sure Amber Rose felt the same way about Kanye after the break up. I’m sure most people feel like they need 30 showers when thinking about an ex.

Meme time nao? Yes, meme time nao.

Indeed. Men either are too quiet and complicit and just as bad as serial abusers, or one of them stands up and comes to events he’s requested to be at and says something... and he’s a creep.

I lol’d.

Class act, ladies. Bravo.

Give it up man: This is Christmas Town now.

My sister unloaded an entire can of bug spray in Australia on a spider the size of a dinner plate. It just kind of shook it off like a wet dog and went back to it’s thing.

Here’s a story where I won.

I never knew Latin was so much like French