
I was about to make that joke! You & I must be cut from the same cloth.

& the jokes apparently.

I’m not starring this

Great job but you missed the part about random comment system changes immediately after the most recent change begins working properly.

Start making it a regular meal and it might be your last soon enough... ;)

I want to see them program these for say, Mumbai.

At least we still have the moon as a junkyard.

Let’s not get into what the ink, paper, silicon in the printer and computer, etc took to make that note.

Nice price alllll day. These bikes are ludicrously fun. Oh and need to cross a river? The tires mean that it floats

Now if only they will take down Bernie Ecclestone

Congratulations on your win, xequar. This lovely lady will be bringing you your prize, just as soon as she’s dug it out from the machine shed.

Hooray let the buck passing begin! Shit rolls downhill.

Very early cars though. They had a weird tropical green interior option briefly even. And that 240 is definitely silver, we had its twin.

Sure, but then you have a car that is spewing 10x more particulates on the highway and up to 40x in the city. If you can live with that and feel fine then okay...

I’m sure he’s a nice guy, and I feel bad slamming him but...

No kidding. Tavarish is always full of bad advice but this takes the cake.

He’s full of bad advice. I have no idea how he’s still writing and being paid by Jalopnik. He also fails to see that after the mandatory software updates these cars will be seriously lacking in performance, economy or both. They won’t perform like the earlier or later models and will have a black mark against them. To

More bad advice from Tavarish.

People say things like this in confidence with friends, but never seriously. Women do this too. The difference is most people don’t truly mean it and would be just as shocked if anyone heard it - anonymous or not. Let alone make a podcast and blog like you said.

I’m glad the foundation isn’t accepting their donations, considering them as what they are - trying to buy their way out.