
Victoria British Columbia. Or, for a larger town, try Vancouver which had only 8 gang related deaths (only number I have off the top of my head) in all of 2014 in a metropolitan area of 2.2 million. Do you genuinely think having more weapons = safer? Because it’s been proven time and time again the world over that it

Millions of transactions a year go off without a hitch. You think it would be nice to see random acts of murder not related to craigslist?

I’ve sold a car so fast once I signed the paperwork and was standing there at the insurance place, watching it drive away going “Shit, how am I getting home? “

If that’s the state of your country, it’s time to move.

I have no problem inviting a stranger to my driveway.

LOL Guns are the issue. Not the solution.

And your wife blew your tiny pecker that night while reminding you it isn’t size but how you use it.

Meh, if it’s been cancelled two years it can go on eBay.

Well, it depends. New audi models are practically wrapped in an entire cocoon now. But in the ‘80s it was not so much.

It’s how you carry yourself though. If you can walk tall, so to speak, and act like you’re supposed to be there even when you don’t look your best, that makes the difference.

BMW/MINI have serious issues all the time in transit. More than any other brand.

My ‘98 Explorer did that.


That’s about right. I have a good number of things to come clean about to my parents that they KNEW were lies but never said anything about. On their death bed.

Yup, the Thai place in the food court has more Chinese dishes than Thai. I point it out to them (they’re a very nice family that like the polite white kid and do not mind me teasing them) and they roll their eyes and shrug. Hah.

You should have rushed to the back, grabbed an epipen and stabbed her in the thigh. :)


You just smile and grin and bear it, scream inside and kill them with kindness until they leave you alone.

I drove a saab for three months. this is a standard equipment.

Hey its all about future service hours and part profit!