The reason they can’t give them away for free is that they aren’t special. They’re a boring pill car. Now the Opel Ampera on the other hand looks the part of something cutting edge, premium, and innovative.
The reason they can’t give them away for free is that they aren’t special. They’re a boring pill car. Now the Opel Ampera on the other hand looks the part of something cutting edge, premium, and innovative.
We have two new tracks opening in the province.
I’m so happy you’re back.
They didn’t. She is a terrible driver that can’t control her vehicle appropriately, then walked out into a still very much active highway at night and was killed. I’m not trying to bad mouth the dead, but there was a series of things that led to this, including the later driver not being aware enough and several…
I’m not going to justify it but you can’t deny that we are losing facilities at an alarming rate and what we do still have is being threatened by development and is also not open enough.
Great story. Honestly they should have let them keep it. The goat was fed and happy and it’s certainly extremely good for morale to have a companion animal like that.
This is a sick thought I don’t want to entertain but perhaps they were valued so these couples could be different or progressive or whatever? This is so messed up, if true.
I wish I could give you so many stars.
I think he’s extremely shy about his genetic condition and has been for a long time. He clearly has seen one, but doesn’t get the mechanics of how it works.
I’m... rather large. The part about feeling like she’s been punched in the gut makes perfect sense, and is true. It’s like kicking a guy in the balls from what I can gather. I also had a girlfriend that for a good portion of our relationship, the first six months, found it incredibly painful and if I REALLY went to…
I dunno. I was going to make a quip about gender and maybe men being killed, but I had an ex girlfriend wave a 10” long knife less than three feet from me once and everyone I’ve ever told that story to has brushed it off as a joke. I was cornered and it was terrifying.
Illusion, the sign falls off and drops straight down.
His own fault, should have used his ears & eyes
There’s tons. Could be stolen, could be odometer fraud, etc etc... See, if they’re willing to avoid getting licensed and break the law, or have broken the law and can’t get licensed, then what else might they be willing to lie about?
Because its a lie. ;)
Yeah, I would discreetly call 911 from a corner of the lot and explain the exact situation, and make it happen. Best part is with a camera phone you have evidence.
Are they? Never driven one, always very much would like to.
Look at Volvo models built in the last ten years. Volcano Red, Toscana brown, Cranberry.... the list goes on. All options, all rarely ordered
It is legitimate however. The financial crisis ended some time ago. We had new commercials during the super bowl in 2012, ‘projected date in the next three years. Subject to change’ - Which was great, but the fact is that they just keep hyping it over and over, and with very little progress. I love Honda and they have…