
Compared to what?

I was a regular at a location with good hiring, and got to know them on a personal level after many years. I don't work there anymore, but I cringe at the idea of making them talk about race relations. And culturally / ethnically they were very mixed, but all superb baristas. This campaign makes me annoyed for the

hahahahaha yep. That would have been interesting. How did someone in the room not throw the brakes on this immediately?

Me neither. I care that we are paying elected representatives and their staff to deal with something so meaningless. Having said that, I wouldn't mind it being changed. But Does government seriously have nothing better to do?

Sounds like they're considering killing the brand off in Canada.

Oddly enough, here in Vancouver the city basically threw Uber out. They've returned recently but the last few years the cab drivers are generally better and cleaner, safer, newer. They were smart enough to invest because they knew it wouldn't last forever. We will see what happens.

They were probably up late last night because I SAVE BREAD!

I'm gonna be buzz killington and tell you you're also kind of a giant ass for not supporting a local business employing people in your community if it's that close and you're not saving significant money. And you're lazy, but who am I to throw stones on that?

They are a mix. These ones are a size down for smaller load routes and the odd tighter old city areas if I recall.

Sounds like something a toddler does when they don't make it to a washroom in time...

That's not really true. And I've had the unfortunate honour of rear ending two people in a 240 in non fault accidents.

No, that group of VW owners are graduating to Subaru WRX's

I used to just put on my rear fog lamps (dual, upper position) and let em' get blinded until one idiot racing up on me thought I was braske checking him, and cranked the wheel side to side like and idiot and span out. I dropped gears as my friend freaked out but came very close to being t-boned in the rear. He

So we go, enjoy our meal and come back to the car. I open the passenger door as she was driving, and I see him on top of the box. He looks at me dead in the eye, and SPLITS. He runs behind the dashboard and hides. HOLY CRAP. We had to take apart the center console, drop the glove box, and take the stereo out. Right

Replying to bump this, it's a SERIOUS safety issue and completely stupid, and illegal. Worse than texting.


Fuck off, I'm definitely not crying right now. Not even a little bit.

You may not be the hero we need, but you're the hero we want! Congratulations on the freedom, I know exactly what you're talking about.

Huh? You would still have to pull the bench from the suburban, it isn't nearly as tall inside, the hatch opening is smaller, it can't seat as many people, it's more difficult to maneuver and park, insurance is a good deal more expensive, parts are more expensive, it's far worse on fuel... yeah real solid choice

No they aren't. You're basically guaranteed a spun bearing at 150k miles.