My parents had a '91 and the fog lamps were normal square units. This being some sort of tricked out show van from GM, those are definitely from a corvette. Perhaps a one-off?
Haha I have not yet no.
And they still made a sale because they were honest. Good stuff. I worked in this industry for the better part of a decade and from my experience the honest dealers always do better.
No kidding. And if it is a pre production model good luck titling it.
It's an awesome story. At least read the wiki article, if nothing else!
Ever been that broke? When you have no money, finding money for a laptop to look for work, or money to be able to ride the bus to interviews, or money for clothes to fit a new job's dress code, etc... it's fucking frightening. Poverty is a self fulfilling cycle. Add in a serious illness that was unexpected and…
But where do I put the ATV and dirt bike?
Hahahshshahaha hahahshshahaha omg
I don't know, BUT I SAVE BREAD!
It's like spraying the bottom of the car with used oil just much better.
The car isn't particularly old, I don't think. The rears are likely fine, and within reasonable spec to new. Just skip a rotation basically and you'll be fine and even.
Yup. Having said that my 1981 Canadian spec car came without them from the factory and when properly tuned is just as low (passed smog, this is confirmed) - but that's also a car designed to pass emissions requirements without catalytic converters. Now if you want to harp on me for noise pollution when I straight…
You can write tickets on behalf of the police for this one particular thing!? Excellent! I mean I imagine you would have to be a witness in court but...
LOL yes. Because that worked so well. When do the 2018 Holdens come out again? Oh, the brand is being doscontinued?
A legitimate concern in America, maybe.
Because women, like everyone else, are hypocrites. That is why a movie about seducing and raping a virgin is the most popular woman's book and film of the last 10 years, all while women are being abused in the news.
I haven't read 50 shades, but that is the best part of fooling around with a girl.