
Way to kill the joke, Buzz Killington

....I may steal this idea. I will not give you any royalties.

Think of how many 'remanufactured' batteries originally bricked like this Toyota has taken, repaired and sold. Pretty sickening.

Not too bad I would imagine. They're extremely narrow, but that sort of adds to the character.

It already did. This car will sprint to 60mph as fast as a 911 turbo, while having instant torque snap. It's something else. with dual motors it would be like a 2 second car, and you would probably get sick hah! If the battery also results in higher output through the existing motor then daaaamn. The roadster 2.0


I have car ADD and I also end up with old Volvos. As a cruel joke, Volvo had right hand side fillers. Then in 1982 brought in a new model with it on the left. Then sold both models side by side for another 13 years. No arrows. Very frustrating owning both.

It's more likely to be an enthusiast owned car, driven less, second or third car, collectible... you get the idea.

Sort of. Here in BC we have one provincial insurance provider. They don't research out of province claims. Years ago groups of people were having accidents in WA state just across the border and filing injury claims. Insurance co. wouldn't investigate and just pay out until finally they noticed the same names over

Yep. Just like when someone murders another person and I feel bad for both families. :/

Either that or they don't care. It's very personal for Jordan now and the civilians are probably expendable to them to a degree considering they're mostly supporting ISIS. This is about demoralizing the entire population more than anything else.

4. I've never won the Indy 500. The trophy shown at the press conference was a laundry basket inverted and covered in tinfoil. The sculpted faces were made of silver-spray painted chewing gum.

My uncle used to have birthdays every week to game free dessert, before they checked. Pretty bad but not this terrible, certainly.

I was awarded that years ago. Now I'm perma-grey.

Depends. In a major metropolitan area like Vancouver, which was badly in need of the highway overhaul to Whistler (which continues to communities beyond, it's a major trucking route) as well as the rapid rail line to the airport / downtown, stuff like that - it can make a lot of sense. Even we had to take over the

Meh. Four years later Vancouver is doing pretty well. Granted we already needed the highway and rail line, and the Olympic venues are great as well since the only other training center was in Calgary, itself left over from the '88 Olympic games. I don't think you'll find anyone here in Vancouver that would argue,

Fact. It's common for people that get a windfall to have 'friends' coming out of the woodwork with interest to seperate them from it. Additionally 'people to help' is any number of accountants, financial advisors, etc... It's a pretty simple and straightforward statement.

What? You sound like an over-sensitive white person. Nobody made mention of race, or insinuated he can't manage money because he's black (??)

Ah I didn't realise you had moved. For what it's worth, one of the largest warranty underwriters (two maybe?) have their call center in the buckhead area, so I'm sure your advisor at Hennessy probably knew those guys personally.

I may be ageing myself here, but does anyone else remember back ten years ago when mountain biking really took off? Remember the stem and frame pads?