Neutron John

All the judgmental claims I see here are sickening. The fact that nobody is taking his apology seriously and demands for him to be perfect, and then call is basic human decency are so far up their own butts where the sun don’t shine. Everybody here is being incredibly toxic as if Pewdiepie did something to personally

Well it doesn’t really matter. I never beat the original Crash games cuz I thought they were too hard, even as recently as about a year ago. I was able to beat the first Crash in this remaster. It was difficult, but I still beat it. And yeah the save points do kind of absolve the difficulty especially, since the only

I’m pretty sure this is Valve’s way of tackling a bigger problem. That is the reviews people give out for all the extraneous amount of terrible games that come out on Steam. The likes of which people like Jim Sterling make videos about. That’s my assumption. Also on the other hand someone who get’s a game free almost

I bought the Blu-Ray Collection with the six films about 4-6 years ago at Best Buy for $50 how is this a deal? And it was the storybook-like collection with all the special features.

I bought the Blu-Ray Collection with the six films about 4-6 years ago at Best Buy for $50 how is this a deal? And

I think you are missing the point entirely, it’s a way for the game to kind of jump out of the screen if you will, by simulating the heartbeat of a fallen comrade. I’m sure it’s something they might have tried to get across, it’s not the same as somebody dying in your hands, but at least you kind of get to experience

Well he did a pretty darn good job as Joel in Last of Us and the Joker in Arkham Origins. Couldn’t really tell it was him. I will say that he still might not be as talented as someone like Nolan North, James Arnold Taylor, and others, but he could get there eventually.

Same exact thing with Black Ops. A great connective thread between the first two games, heck even a bit of World at War, but Black OPs 3 is just whaaaaat?

“the thing that pull it all together was the various characters”