
Hell, I’m surprised the Teslaites didn’t demand for the car to be completely bricked for the crime of the owner letting a journalist use it to besmirch the holy name of Our Lord Elon...

I was more surprised by the 40% aware of Toyota’s non-existing BEV.

This is why I don’t short stocks. You can be completely right about a company being overvalued and still go broke.

It doesn’t even make sense if you say people are gambling on the future of the company. They must be looking into the far, far future. By their own plans, Rivian (if successful) will sell 1000 vehicles next year and hopes to be building a million a year within the next decade.

100,000 orders (really, pre-orders) vs ~750,000 actual truck sales... every... single... year...

I’m perfectly fine with people like Musk or Bezos coming up with useful things such as Amazon or Tesla, we just need to tax them accordingly. I don’t want to “Eat the Rich” or whatever crusade thing, I just want them to pay fair taxes.

I like what Elon has done for advancing electric vehicles and lowering the cost of launching things into space. Even if he didn’t personally engineer these things, he challenged the companies to do better - and they have.

They are both perfectly cromulent.

I grew up day-dreaming about owning a EM1 Si or DC2 GS-R/Type R. After college I almost bought an ‘01 Integra LS 3-door. Waited a couple months and bought an ‘03 Si instead.

There was a 4 door in every generation of Integra. Only the RSX was coupe only. 

What are you talking about? Their grill is excellent, and waaaaay better than the mid 2010's Acura grill.

I’d be interested to know where the $30,400 number came from for the Silverado. The Lighting is listed as $39,970, which is the pre-tax credit price, so do they really think a Silverado will be $30,400 BEFORE tax credit. If the $12,500 credit passes, it will be $18k? Cheaper MSRP than the Bolt? $9k cheaper than the

Pretty sure most of F1's audience has no idea who she is.

Martin Brundle is right and Elizabeth Blackstock is wrong.

Now playing

It was a thought provoking moment. On one side - we have one of the hottest stars of the moment. On the other - the “house” reporter (practically an institution).

I don’t think he was really even asking, it was more of a joke to start a conversation with her.

Except when she laughed him off he moved on to ask who she supported. It’s not like he kept nagging her about it.

Pretty sure F1 has zero need for people like her. There are plenty of rich & famous people who have a passion for F1, and I’m guessing MTS is not one of them or she she would have loved to have spoken up about it. And frankly outside of the USGP, is really not even famous.

F1 revenue per year: $2,000,000,000 (2 billion)

Just so we’re clear: it’s Megan Thee Stallion’s bodyguards who were being snobbish, elitist, and ignorant here, not Martin Brundle.