From what I’ve seen few of these rioters want to “fight like a man.” It’s always a mob attacking people.
From what I’ve seen few of these rioters want to “fight like a man.” It’s always a mob attacking people.
To be fair, it’s better than Performance Pack 1 and Performance Pack 2 that they have been using.
You are seeing what the manufacturer wants you to see.
Please remove “Dr. Science” from your name.
I was wondering the same. Dollar/Thrifty use the same counter at most airports but I had no idea they were linked to Hertz.
Please tell me that private owner has deep pockets and now will be losing everything. It will be a small bright spot in this.
Equipment doesn’t make people fast. There are a ton of very fast people in iracing that run 10 year old G27s.
Pretty much everything is hard to get right now due to the surge in demand. Most of the pro racers bought high end stuff which meant years worth of demand in a month.
Depends on what they make. I know of more than a few that used “we make parts for repair” as a justification to keep running.
The rules of the election were in place long before the contest was held. The electoral college decides it, not popular vote.
Not that it changes much but May 18th is the date I’m seeing for big 3 UAW plants. I’m guessing suppliers will be ahead of that but I’ll be surprised if anything is running on Monday.
He won the election. Period, end of story.
He’s going to lose a ton of talent if he goes through with it. People from the Bay Area don’t want to move to Nevada haha.
I was wondering why a division of the company would be paying for a car to test. I’d expect they’d just ship one out, free, for actual testing.
Someone making an unreasonably low offer isn’t likely to buy at a fair price anyway, so not responding=not wasting any more time on a dead end. I don’t sell cars, I sell plumbing and I’ll wheel and deal a little but when someone comes at me like that, the answer is simply no; here’s a written, itemized bid. Let me…
I routinely reply to “what is your best price” emails with a price 10% above listing just to see if they’re paying attention.
The problem was that since everyone was stuck at home they were doing non-essential projects around the house. Home Depot near me was packed a couple weekends ago with people buying garden crap that definitely could wait.