
I was replying to someone that was making up production goals for GM that never existed as a deflection for Tesla’s issues. I think bringing up the original timeline for the Model 3 is more than fair. :) 

No, they don’t. Dearborn Truck (F-150 plant) runs on 3 shifts that work 40 hours each (10 hours per day):

It isn’t the “trying something new” people dislike about Tesla. It’s the cockiness of a certain CEO to claim he knows better than existing companies that have been doing this for a century. Seeing him have to eat crow is endlessly entertaining.

I’m a huge road racing fan and I’ve tried to watch NASCAR when they go to the road courses. The dirty racing ruins those events to the point that I don’t watch them anymore.

Either of those “bumps” would have resulted in carbon shards covering the track in F1.

There are reasons other factories don’t run 24/7. Elon is about to learn another hard lesson on the realities of manufacturing.

You realize that this was the original projected number from December 2017, right?

GM was offering employee pricing through 12/31/17.

Ford also didn’t get the luxury of buying an existing plant that had produced 6,000 cars per week under it’s former owners.

While that is true, the implementation of changes is limited to specific time periods. Tesla sounds like they’re building production like other automakers build prototypes.

Yep. A new vehicle launch never goes perfect but many of the issues they are seeing would have been caught in preproduction trials. Their accelerated timeline skipped critical steps in the development process and they’re paying the price for that now.

I think Musk already mentioned that they will likely start building Model 3s with that price tag in the late 2019 time frame

Most of the design tolerances of the Model 3 are already better than any other car in the world. Soon, they will all be better. This is not enough. We will keep going until the Model 3 build precision is a factor of ten better than any other car in the world. I am not kidding.

I was going to make a build quality comment but I think GM builds the higher quality vehicle in this scenario.

Le Mans safety car procedure that screwed all of us out of a GTLM fight for the lead this year.

Disagree completely. Teams have a budget to spend and will spend it regardless of the rule set. What tight rules do is keep the people spending cubic millions of dollars a 0.5 seconds/lap ahead instead of 5 seconds/lap.

I’m guessing you’re too young to have seen road racing without BOP? Because that was some shitty, dull racing.

The plan for the campus created new space for 30,000 employees. 2500 will be moving to the train station.

Toyota is the only LMP1-H team and the ACO will not allow the LMP1's to be quicker than the LMP1-H. How is that similar to F1 where there are multiple teams running to the same regulations with no BOP?