
Our autocross site on the right. Neighbor that files noise complaints lives in the townhouses on the left. Yep, those are train tracks in the middle.

Preludes get spectacularly bad gas mileage for what they are and the aftermarket is relatively small. I love the styling of the later gen ones but those facts kept me from ever buying one.

The track was built in 1957 at a cost of $1.5 million raised from local businesses and individuals on part of the US Army’s Fort Ord (a maneuver area and field artillery target range) after the nearby Pebble Beach Road Races were abandoned for being too dangerous. Since 1974, the property was deeded over to the Montere

I see Accord.

...I don’t think you understand how this works. If the price of a new good goes up the value of used goods will also increase. This is how R35 GTRs maintained such crazy resale relative to their new price in 2009 ($69,850).

You realize that Mexico’s favorable trade deals are one of the major reasons automakers are making small cars there right? This article explains it pretty well:

To be fair the Carier deal was a good deal for Indiana taxpayers and something that would not have been noteworthy if it weren’t for the parties involved.

I’d be updating my resume if I had to work with people that were this stupid. Just not worth it.

I think Trump’s no. 1 fear is being seen as a “beta bitch.”

Hot take: Every name in this article is better than what GM ends up calling it.

No need to vent on him.

But these days, nobody engineers non-critical parts like that. Plastic bits by your spec would be huge and therefore more expensive.

They fixed it twice. At a certain point you have to draw the line and tell a customer to stop using things wrong.


Only thing missing is a Trump tweet taking credit for the job creation.

I wouldn’t get your hopes up. This is what an FCX looks like under the skin:

I think the way 1st gear is written is a little dishonestly. From what I’ve read, Fields has argued that they want to reopen the review of the CAFE standard in place for 2025 (54.5 mpg) that the Obama administration finallized without a full review.

Are you sure 6" is required regardless of type? I’ve heard that number quoted for 2 post lifts but never for 4 posts.

Have you tried fordparts.com? I use it with local pickup at my dealer and get better prices than I can find online. I think every dealership determines their markup though so you might have to play around with it to find a good dealer.

Funny, I’ve found it to be about 50/50 on RockAuto or Amazon being cheaper after shipping. RockAuto is on my shitlist though after sending me a package postage due and providing pretty shitty customer service to resolve it.