
According to one of the articles on this subject the neighbors had no problem with his previous, normal height enclosed trailer (which was stored on the side of the garage) nor his race cars which I’m sure are not quiet. The stacker and security cameras are what crossed the line.

I must be lucky because I’ve been pressured to sign off in sketchy scenarios numerous times in my career and refused every time. Never lost my job over it... actually gained a lot of respect from higher ups because they knew I could be trusted to do the right thing.

If you own a Veyron you likely own (or at least have access to) a private jet which is 1. faster and 2. cheaper to operate.

I’m still unable to determine why anyone would want to own a first one.

I’m skeptical that Cummins forgot the lessons of the late 90's that quickly:

Why you gotta bring race into it?

I was entertaining (part) of the worst case scenario in that post. There is also the implications on trade with Mexico that a tariff like this would have that everyone is ignoring.

...believing in supply/demand of labor is not trickle down economics.

If that’s what it comes down to the only jobs lost would have been Mexican ones. I can’t be too upset about that.

I think it’s worth keeping in mind that this latest Ford thing is not an isolated incident. This is a large trend in the automotive industry:
“In recent years, automakers that include General Motors, Honda,

The problem is you can only export so many jobs and still have people with money to consume your products.

I just hope if he does something it is phased in with enough time for businesses to adjust their business plans. Moving a facility like that is a huge job and not something that can be done overnight.

I feel like I’m oversimplifying here but what Trump is trying to do is have that additional facility built in the US make business sense over building/expanding a plant in Mexico. It’s really that simple.

More jobs = more demand for employees = more compensation for employees

Pretty straight forward.

McCain brought himself into the gutter long before Sarah Palin.

Ha, the one I was thinking of was a Wrangler as well.

Understatment of this post.

I feel like this is a much better answer. Buying another new car and stretching the pain for 5+ years seems like a less than optimal solution as it is still spending money he doesn’t have on a luxury.

If you have good credit it’s not a bad idea to finance a car right now. The interest rate on my used car loan is 1.75% and many brands are doing 0-0.9% on new cars.

Not necessarily. I know people that have plowed snow in lighter vehicles than a Tundra.