I consider myself a jaded pessimist, but for some bizarre reason I find the two of them charming, and am not even bothered by their hardware commercials.
I consider myself a jaded pessimist, but for some bizarre reason I find the two of them charming, and am not even bothered by their hardware commercials.
There used to be Kitchenette BCO.
Charles and Diana’s pairing came about for much the same reason people have disaster sex - the need for human closeness and comfort during a tough time.
Ah shit here come a bunch of grammar nerds. ‘Could care less’ is perfectly fine.
I hope the short-term ratings boost was worth it, Rachel =\
I feel all sorts of sad for these closeted kids, of course, but I also love this story. It’s important to be able to look back on heteronormative institutions and see the queer reality beneath the surface. It helps to destroy the myth that things were “better” and “normal” [again, read: heteronormative] in the “good…
When someone brings up PC-culture as a refutation, it’s always the final square of Asshole Bingo. His refutation points more to the fact that he’s totes okay with Affleck because he doesn’t see anything wrong with behaving like Affleck, than to whatever point he was trying to make (we’re all so mean? I dunno).
The top comment on the reddit discussion thread for the movie noted that Chris escaped the basement by literally picking cotton. If that’s intentional, and I’m inclined to believe it is...brilliant.
Goddammit why can’t Deadspin just stick to spor
I would just like to state that at one point in my 20s, I quit my day job to be a dancing spoon in a tour of Beauty & the Beast.
Is entitlement and laziness now admired?
Maybe you shouldn’t have pursued your degree at some place in a goddamn field.
Can you add Rent-a-Car to your name please?
Dikembe continued “From now on I will no longer be using e-mail, to prevent this from happening again. Who wants to text Mutombo?”
Why, what planet is Jersey on?
How... like, what kind of deranged person wants to make their life LESS “Saved By The Bell-ish”
I was also bothered by that. That, and the child rape.
That was maybe the single smartest thing the NYC government has done in awhile.
Seriously, him saying he would destroy the records before giving them to a deportation task force made me reel. we need more people talking like this.