
No this was like that other girl at the wedding who really hated you so invited the brides ex-boyfriend and you kind of know the bride from work.

She may be Slovenian, but apparently she lives in Stockholm.

I get the thing about needing to ask for credentials...I do...but Delta didn’t address the whollllllllllllle awful dialogue that preceded the attendant asking for credentials:

That Anderson Cooper. You give him a centimeter, and he’ll take a mile.

He released a statement about the Trump tape so by law he had to be both a husband and father.

“Bill Clinton said ‘retarded’ in 1983. That’s much worse!”

i find “can i have your name?” far worse...i’m all like, f u, ahole, get your own.

Fellow Democrats: if you want more liberal-leaning people at the top of the ticket, you need to vote more liberal people in down the ticket. That means showing up for primaries, that means actually knowing people’s policy positions, that means writing to your representatives about issues, that means grass-roots

We need to have a serious conversation about consent in this country, because too many people just don’t get it. And that is completely inexcusable.

I call her Hermione Clinton in my head now, because you just know that even though she could beat Trump without studying a goddamn bit, she still studies because she wants to be the best she can possibly be.

The really fucked up thing here is how, behind closed doors, Hillary Clinton talks exactly like… Hillary Clinton.

Or the Broadway musical:

“What’s your name, man?”

I kept waiting for someone to say his glasses were taped together and he had a slide ruler in his front pocket.


Guy hitting .205 in High-A ball is worried about the wrong Mendoza.

Never forget.

This left me feeling gross. She’s a kid for fucks sake. She shouldn’t be saving her family from bankruptcy.

Anytime you see a story about me or my campaign saying “sources said,” DO NOT believe it. There are no sources, they are just made up lies!