
The difference is that many Brexit voters were apparently unclear that it was a binding vote. A lot of the exit polls found people thought it was merely literally a poll, a suggestion, to be taken or not, and a bunch even thought they could have a do-over or retraction.

Something that I’ve noticed recently that’s common among Trump supporters is a proud lack of patriotism. They don’t try to dismiss the fact that Trump is not good for America, because fuck America. I don’t necessarily think that unquestioned loyalty to your country is a good thing, but they lack a commitment to a

Gina Rodriguez is that social media friend who won’t stop gushing about her “King”, then 3 months later cross posts a cryptic message from Instagram like

“It’s just like The Breakfast Club, except everyone is 70, evil, and maybe sundowning.”

I have a feeling the first thing Jennifer Aniston thought when she heard the news that Brad and Angelina had split up was “oh for fuck’s sake, now everyone’s going to badger me for a comment”.

If Brad Pitt wants the public to ignore his divorce he should have Terrence Malick direct it.

Sometimes I think it would be nice to go through life like TheDonald, completely unfettered by any sense of personal responsibility or feelings of shame, guilt, remorse or embarrassment. Then I think nah.

so thats what a seventh degree burn looks like...

I don’t even own a Sunday!

I’m thrilled by this decision! I know there was a chance Lee Cowan might get it because he has a soothing voice that could totally put you to sleep.

I was riding my big wheel through a hotel my dad was looking after during off season(so he could write a book) and i came up to a room, where i shit you not, some guy in a dog suit was giving head to another guy. they both became aware of my presence and i fled. this was the 80s, before furries, mind you.

“the depiction of Mr. Walton (failing) to celebrate what is most emblematic of his past accomplishment”

Hamilton, people like you will never be happy until everyone has an equal opportunity to pursue the American dream, regardless or race, gender, national origin, sexual orientation or status of birth.

I WILL BUILD A WALL AND THE GOTHS WILL PAY FOR IT! -Emperor Trumpicus Maximus 416 C.E.

If this is the best foreign terrorists have got, I am not even remotely in terror of them. All the people injured in Chelsea are already out of the hospital. None of the people stabbed in Minnesota died. Nobody was hurt with their unexploded bombs.

Except for Adrian.

Don’t watch the NFL if you can’t stomach graphic violence.

This article was so charming it inspired a friend and I to dance the night away in my gleaming, glamorous, rent-stabilized Los Angeles apartment.

My parents are visiting right now and it’s driving me bonkers. My mom hates my bathroom and bought me new fabric shower liners to replace the perfectly fine rubberized plastic ones I have (fabric is apparently better). I wouldn’t normally give a shit but this came with a lecture on how awful my bathroom is and the

An angry Baylor fan went up to confront MOB members after the performance. Rice students calmed the situation and walked him to concourse