I feel sorry for kids who didn’t grow up watching The Carol Burnett show reruns on off-brand network television.
I feel sorry for kids who didn’t grow up watching The Carol Burnett show reruns on off-brand network television.
“Yo, man, I just tried this incredible new circuit workout. You mope as hard as you can for 30 seconds, then sigh for 30 seconds, then sob for 30. Rest for 20 seconds, and do it again for 10 cycles. It’s hard core!”
Jams went below the knee! They were between shorts and capris.
They want all the rights to the road as cars, but don’t care for the rules. I live in MN and I have never seen more cyclist blow through stop signs and redlights.
Fuck bike riders who refuse to stop at stop signs and red lights.
I hate bike riders. They are entitled beyond belief. Whenever I’m in the left turn lane waiting for the left turn signal and there are bike riders waiting to go straight, without fail they go straight when the left turn signal goes on. So all of us waiting to go left have to wait for them as they steal our turn.
You lost me at “pro tip” and “waaaayy” yet I persevered to get through your silly comment. I’m strong like that!
That’s true, but that’s why punching upward works and punching down doesn’t.
My mom used to make my sister and I hold hands. We would sit silently trying to crush the other’s hand the entire time. She once made us sit face to face, noses touching. Whenever she wasn’t looking I would stick my tongue out and touch some part of my sister’s face.
I don’t really see how he can get offended after saying “I heard you get sodomized quite often”. I mean, her initial comment about the demon was off-color, but no more off-color than the fact he chose to be in a scene that played a rape as comedy in the first place. And her response was, if anything, a de-escalation…
the pretty french lady made a joke that not only landed, it bored right through the center of the freakin’ earth.
Sorry, I’m just down here for the Doctor Who references (Bonus points for a plausible fanfic of why Clara is impersonating Queen Victoria)
good thing they burned the poem immediately after it was written instead of posting it up on our country’s front door and using it in elementary schools to explain how our country works to EVERYONE who’s ever grown up here... otherwise, it might mean something.
How do we know she wasn’t on fire before she went out into the street?
Does he literally think that people collect all those straws, put them into school buses, and dump them in the ocean? Does he believe children have to walk to school now because we prioritize our buses for storing plastic straws that will be dumped into the ocean?
I think that you’re confusing the strawman argument that people like her give with ACTUAL cultural appropriation. I have no problem with people wearing the clothing associated with my culture, incorporating our foods, etc. That is not appropriation. Appropriation is when OUR VOICES ARE SILENCED, and their…
If today is Ava Phillippe’s 17th birthday, that means she was born on 9/9/99, and that’s rad.
Interesting. Switch the pronouns, and you have a classic Nice Guy (TM). “Who just assumes that a random girl doesn’t want them because she’s minding her own business”
Do you even lift, 1st grader?