
What I find remarkable about this is that most kids probably thought about doing something like this. Hell, I tried to invent a Sword & Sorcery game with a basic deck of cards. What’s really impressive is they stuck to their guns and went through with it. They were creative but they were also disciplined enough to

A kickstarter thatI hope gets funded but that I can’t get myself to back. Love the art style, characters look loveable, definitely invokes childhood, but no idea what kind of gameplay I can expect. I’ll wait for reviews, I think.

Then I guess they’ll have to enjoy it while it lasts.

They don’t give a shit about your opinion either.

With a friend like you, who needs enemies?

The third half, the ones that don’t give a rat’s ass about batflips.

The bait and switch was wrong but kickstarting isn’t a prepurchasing platform (despite most games offering the game at a certain tier).