
What is this supposed to mean? Do you really think she is asking to do whatever she wants? Or do your think she’s asking for relatively small things to deal with her gender dysphoria? Is this really your response whenever a prisoner asks for basic human compassion? This attitude is why America will never achieve

gender dysphoria isn’t an act or a choice, dippy-doo. it’s not like she’s asking for an hour to play in a poppy field.

Can you guys seriously leave religious women alone tho. Unless she is actively going around and shutting down planned parenthoods, or whatever just leave them the fuck alone.

This woman is trying to negotiate her religious beliefs and her feminist values

Can you guys seriously leave religious women alone tho. Unless she is actively going around and shutting down planned parenthoods, or whatever just leave them the fuck alone.

Mom always said: find a job you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.

What is the actual point you’re trying to make here?

No, no, we gotta assume that somehow boys are involved here, they HAVE to be.... let’s just focus on toxic masculinity even if we have no idea what the situation is. That’s what’s most important.

I like how one girl shoots another girl and you still find a way to blame boys for it.... as if that even matters at this point.

I mean, as Jewel said: “As a feminist, I can’t support everything that’s being said tonight, but as somebody who hates Ann Coulter, I’m delighted.”

Normally I’d be against the relentless abuse of a dumb animal, but I’m ok in Ann Coulter’s case.

Here’s another huge wrinkle - By taking THIS LONG to resign, there will be no special election, and Hawk, a Republican, allows Abbott, a frothing-at-the-mouth-I-got-mine-fuck-you Far Right fuckward Republican, to APPOINT her replacement, instead of having the citizens of Dallas (a rather blue city overall in Texas)

i literally just moved back from living in Paris for 3 years so yeah, i’ve experienced two pretty volatile countries. The last part of Paris I lived in is infamous as a migrant strong area and I have lots of friends with migrant backgrounds in Paris (not just “expats”).

“I did this to show how people react to situations with homeless people and people with mental health,” Pugh explained. “How they’re more likely to pull out their phone than help.”

Due to my extensive history with controlled substances (and some uncontrolled ones too) I must interject that Nas and Freddy weren’t freebasing cocaine. They were for sure “chasing the dragon” aka smoking heroin. That is why Nas was so relaxed after taking a hit. Also explains his desperate need for Oxys - he was

Hope isn’t being suspended or released because of the Sweden comment. Rather, she’s being released because she’s been given slaps on the wrist over and over again because, up to this point, she was valuable to U.S. Soccer. But she is no longer the goalie she once was.

You are not really pulling out all of the bs comments she has uttered over her playing career. I will never forget the trash talking, classless garbage she spewed on the Canadian team following USA’s miraculous (read, referee inspired) victory in 2012. She’s not being held to a higher standard; she’s being held to the

this is a perfect comment and I thank you for it

I agree, trans people don’t just don and doff their gender like a shirt, on a whim. As the sister of a trans man I’ve seen firsthand the physical, emotional, and financial journey that trans people undergo, it’s not something one does for attention. If anything I sympathize with Jenner having to go through that