
Nah this lacks intersectional analysis, men in Africa for e.g don’t have the same resources/opportunities as women in the US for sports such as soccer for so if we are living in a world where more resources are being put into African soccer then the sociological impact of that will for most part mitigate women.

I sort of wanted to be on his side because of the ridiculous petition and over the top criticism but he was so bad I can’t. I felt embarrassed for him.

But if you tell someone who knows himself to be strong (perhaps he works out regularly ) that his results are below average he will overcompensate for inauthentic reasons, which becomes a problem when you then extrapolate that behaviour as his norm.

Yeah I am somewhere around 5’10-5’11 , not sure tbh. Also I find a study where participants are lied to in order to find out whether they lie quite interesting. Does that sort of bias the results because the whole premise of the study is deceitful?

Lol he does this so much. He tried to join England men’s soccer team on the plane to the World Cup.

ngl I am so proud of this one.

Well if you pay them enough sex workers will say anything, Senator.

I’d have no issue taking a woman’s name or her taking my name although being honest us both keeping our names seems best solution and then just either hyphenating for kids. Can understand it is a kind of contentious issue for women though.

A) none of them are being given profiles/interviews on here so it would be odd to randomly comment on an unfunny joke thief like Mensteala when he isn’t mentioned
b) She isn’t in the same league as Carlin/CK, who also have unfunny racist bits (someone being funny and someone telling racist jokes aren’t mutually

For sure, she is so gross

Exactly she lacks any kind of talent so goes for boring shock jokes.

So I got from this she is an unapologetic racist comic. I dislike her as much before the interview as I do afterwards, she is also so unfunny.

this is a v good point.

Sounds like these black people just need to Lean In to be honest.

He still didn’t disclose this information, whether he considered it a rape or not is immaterial in this case.

Raves are licensed and promoted nowadays just wouldn’t call them clubbing, and wouldn’t be more than a fraction of the £ mentioned above.

I’d be shocked if Londoners of Caribbean descent would use rave to mean clubbing.

Considering they are including pubs in that, think Raves will be a drop in the ocean of that total.

No, i don’t. People holding attitudes commonplace 30 years ago doesn’t impress me.