
how did you get this picture of me?


Do you rely on him for housing or money? Would you be put in a position where you would be unsafe if you disowned him? If not, then do it.

I’m 100% serious. I know he’s your father, and everyone around you will leap to *but faaaaaaaaaamily* you, but you’re only related to him. Would you associate with him at all for


Have any of you used Resistbot? It’s a great tool that you can use to contact your reps about anything, anytime. Now’s a great time to contact them about impeaching this racist, KKK endorsed, white supremacist assberry. I contacted my reps a few months ago about impeachment and heard back—the good news is, reps and

Am I officially an old lady if my first thought is “You’re too young for this look honey!!”

They didn’t read as virtue signaling/performative activism to me. She has an enormous platform and a lot of influence on white people, especially white teens who might be on the fence right now. It’s so important for white people to say these things to each other, because like it or not, it will be heard a lot more

“Lorde tweets a privilege-check saying that all white people are responsible for changing the system. The Root says maybe now’s not the time, Lorde.”

The point of that article was that white people should take responsibility and not try and exempt themselves from this...which is exactly what Lorde is going for?

Do I have to go protest Nazis in the summertime? My tofu is marinating and I don’t want it to be too flavorful.

Simba is where it’s at!

God, he’s so fucking smug about it.

I don’t think you need to qualify that statement at all with anything like “you would hate my clothes too” because those shoes are just fucking hideous. I don’t understand why A. they were brought into the world and B. why someone would spend money on them. Can you imagine an entire factory churning out thousands of

This is...so horrifying.

You’re being sarcastic, right? Please tell me you’re being sarcastic. Pre-45 me would have known, but my sense of sarcasm and humor has been broken down one tweet at a time.

Yeah if this is what gaining weight looks like...lemme just gain some weight then

Is it just me, or do her eyes point in slightly different directions?

Shhh, yes. We know.

yeah, when you guys hang out you can go to the beach, I hear he knows a great spot

Hoorayyyy! Happy birthday Catalina! Now keep getting fatter, I bet your mama won’t be happy until you’re as round as a ham :)

Our Lady Michelle blesses this post.