9/11 Truther

Er, I normally tip really well, but there was one time when food was over an hour, drinks were 30 minutes, my partner was having an unbelievable blood sugar crash and when I walked over to her station and asked if there was anything— chips, raw veg, ANYTHING— she could bring him she informed me she could bring it out

I knew a girl like that in grade school. He mother would only feed her a tiny bag of cheerios, and two rice cakes for lunch, force her to run for exercise and take track and field. I went to her house once to play as a child, and was only offered oatmeal to eat. It was so controlling and strange. Poor mother clearly

“Neither can I.”

Okay, kicking them off the train seems really extreme...BUT I gotta say I can’t stand groups of people who have zero consideration for others with their loud laughing...all races, all genders, all types. It’s obnoxious. I’ve watched entire bars clear out because one or more people think it’s fine to cackle at top