If believe it’s fully within the realm of possibilities, or maybe it’s a mix of multiple stories.
If believe it’s fully within the realm of possibilities, or maybe it’s a mix of multiple stories.
I feel weird now, because I find myself being a bit sorry for Chyna and Rob. It's like, you're famous for nothing, but go on and be famous because the alternative is a bit too rough - and her acknowledgement that she has no other skills is also "oof".
I don’t see why not. It’s basically fiberglass.
“... and this other thing: There was a secret base in New Mexico where a big hammer - A HAMMER - just fell out of the sky. Obama couldn’t get to the bottom of it. Sad. His so-called experts were so low energy they couldn’t even pick it up. So weak. Do you actually think crooked-Hillary could pick it up with her…
They showed me this, and I swear to God, SWEAR, that the picture quality was so good, wasn’t shaking like a papadatzo, the picture was so steady, so clear. . . cars. . . that can change into robots.
It has been said before (and often here on Kinja) but can you imagine the GOP’s thunderous outrage if someone from Hillary’s camp spoke so openly about killing Dicknuts Donald?
I’m hoping they tell him some totally bullshit things just to see if he leaks them and he’ll get up to the podium tonight and be like, “you won’t believe the things I’ve been hearing about Swaziland’s chemical weapons program!”
And then we criticize her “boxy” outfits that she has to wear to accommodate her bullet proof vest.
I mean: are these batshit motherfuckers are trying to get her killed?
Haha yes! Fuck! *pulls hair out* Her “it was harder to come out as republicaam than transgender!” omfg. It seriously shows how detached she is from the horrors average LGBT Americans face. Like wowwwwwww. Fuck you lady read a book or something!
She is not the first transwoman I’ve known of to say they’ve received a lot more tolerance in their hateful conservative zones (in the other case I’m thinking of, Catholic church) than in progressive/queer spaces and it always sort of makes me laugh. Like, their politics and laws and tenants of faith actively disavow…
You know, I think most old men have absolutely god-awful personalities because they were shaped and rewarded by such a deeply misogynistic culture which both glorified and infantilized men (in the sense that they were allowed to believe the world revolves around them and other beings were innately less important and…
I used to pity Bruce when I watched KUWTK. But after watching 2 episodes of IAC (I couldn’t stomach more than that), I found my self having a certain amount of sympathy for Kris. Bruce seemed bumbling, a bit ignorant, but rather putupon. Caitlin is an entitled pompous ass, and I strongly suspect that this is what…
South Park’s take down of her as a hero was amazing. “She’s still the same bad person,” (paraphrase) was the perfect take home.
The entire GOP electorate. Jesus Christ, even Warren Buffet is a Dem.
But she is brave & beautiful! BRAVE & BEAUTIFUL!!!! Does that mean nothing anymore? And a terrible driver, so you’d think most Americans could at least relate to that.
Reports this week claim I Am Cait, the reality show chronicling Caitlyn Jenner’s life after coming out as transgender, has been canceled after two eight-episode seasons.
I dislike the kids. I know Maura wasn't the best father but my god those people are do self involved and selfish. They just do things to blow up their lives for no good reason.
THEY ARE THE WORST! I am getting really fed up with shows where everyone is just a garbage person. Maura’s just trying to live her life and her ex wife is so lovely and kind- how did they create those monster children?
It always bugs me when characters in movies hang all over the toilet when they’re sick. Who has the time to do a deep clean of the toilet before barfing? I can’t be the weird one here...