And to top it off, let's shoot the video the wrong way to just annoy the crap out of the internet.
1964 - "let's get out and lynch that black man"
In my opinion, as a female who benefited from his economic policies, I would have tapped it. The man deserved a blow job.
I think it'd be like any boss/employer or teacher/student thing times about a million. Not to minimize anyone else's regular workaday sexual harassment experience but the President's a pretty big friggin deal next to a young intern.
If he had a legitimate point with this, he ruined it by using the word "violence". But he doesn't have a legitimate point, since Hillary wasn't responsible for Bill's sexual shenanigans with an intern while he was in office.
Paul's attacking the wrong spouse with that argument.
It was coercive. She felt she consented, but she was a 25-year-old intern and he was the big powerful President of the U.S. about 30 years her senior, so you've got to put the responsibility for any subsequent humiliation squarely in his court. Violence may be a stretch in that case, however.
Didn't mean to disappear on you - I lost track of the time and had to take two pissed-off felines to the vet.
That's a tough question. Violence? No, I don't think so. It's weird because she went into it more than willingly and she was an adult and I don't want to rob her of her agency. Also I would have done the same thing. Clinton was hawt. But it's still really disturbing and does not speak well of him.
Huh. But the sanctity of murrige and women are supposed to be subservient. You know what, I can't twist up my brain sufficiently to handle the conservative mindset.
It's about 2 years old, I think. (For reference I asked a friend who has a 4 year old and a 1 year old - she said the test wasn't available when she was pregnant the first time, but was the second time.) But I am pretty sure Rodgers' son with Down's is 6 years old - she recently gave birth (like 2 months ago!) to a…
I'm not an expert but there is a nuchal scan screening they do via ultrasound that can trigger more testing . I know the genetic testing used to be done with amniocenteses which does carry a risk of miscarriage.
They actually now have this blood test that screens for Down's and can also tell you the sex of the child! But it's relatively new. I was shocked when my friend found out the sex of her child at, like, 10 weeks.
I think Clinton is disgusting , but I don't think what happened was sexual violence. It was definitely manipulation, and abuse of power.
From 1900-1902 it was owned by Dr. Schultz King, Jr. He then sold it for a newer model.