
There's a bit of an over-simplification going on here; Audi has always spent less on R&D than BMW or Mercedes because they also get subsidised R&D from the rest of the VW Group (it even mentions this in the article), and that's where the real innovation is going on right now; at VW and at Porsche in particular, but it

Got no reason for it, but if I was going for a luxury sedan, this would be my first stop.

I don't know that I'd worry about Audi just yet. BMW and particularly Mercedes are moving down-market with the 1 Series and CLA respectively (seeing how the CLA is stealing Camry and Accord) in the name of being the "#1 Volume Luxury Brand", which means little beyond the boardrooms of the companies.

I feel like out of the three Germans, Audis still have a grounded design. I don't know what's happening with BMW or Merc.

How many Phaetons have you owned?

See, the radiation in the ocean turns fish to narcotics. And you all thought fukishima was dangerous.

You know what, if you get pulled over a couple times a year, you need to focus on your driving. Slow the fuck down before you kill someone. I haven't been pulled over in 20 years, and there are years when I've driven 100,000 miles.

It serves well to offset that massive Jay Leno chin of hers.

...just do yourself the favor and let them search it because they're going to anyway

Hypothesis: The Corvette, Mustang, 911, and Wrangler are 4 of the best vehicles on the planet because they are evolved versions of their brilliant original ideas.

The special comes out tomorrow on Blu-Ray and on iTunes. Go get it there. Legally, of course.

yeah that'd be great if it weren't for the jackasses that try to stay in the closing lan as long as possible and cut into line at the last minute. There is a special place in hell for those people where they all drive Pintos

dude, don't you have kittens to kill somewhere else?

Uh oh here comes the fun police

Chill out grumps! Sounds like you need a drink...

What crawled up your ass and died?

It must be difficult going through life as such a miserable sourpuss.

0.06 BAC is all it takes for you guys to get to "lemme tell you what your problem is"? Remind me not to party with you.

it's called the engineer's cocktail drawings - it's actually drafted on a arch sheet... i have copies at home but im sure you can google it!

Do you know how a turbo works? Anything combustible in the exhaust path would get burned up very very quickly. Now you could mechanically jam the waste gate actuator closed to produce more boost.