“You can’t take that car to a dealer to trade it in with all the damage and expect a full value”
“You can’t take that car to a dealer to trade it in with all the damage and expect a full value”
lol you have no clue. dude gets new iteration of GT3/RS every time it comes out and makes money. theres nill damage with clear bar Ive seen everyone on a lift afterwards.
we were a combo dealer until 2004 when PFS/AFS finally forced the split
tbh I love jerry, I love seinfeld, I was fucking stoked when the series started because of knowing how much of a car nut (specific porsche nut) he is, and then a total let down when its an opening shot and thats about it
Im still a bit dumbfounded that there isnt at least 5 minutes of expose on the cars.
LOL because lefties in blue states dont give more in federal dollars to red states....
? plenty of cars have 4 wheel steering and while puncture proof tires are still just on the horizon theres plenty of run flat and self healing options available
Afinia h480 and h800 (rebranded UP! Printers with American based suport) have of the box been the best printers I have used from home built to prosumer models. I’ve started this engine using the ABS prints from the h800
Afinia h480 and h800 (rebranded UP! Printers with American based suport) have of the box been the best printers I…
*YAWN* SAAB did it better
how about getting it up on Google Play or iTunes? 1.99/2.99 an episode?
he wasnt the only one
However, Kalafer stressed his problem is not with protests, but the way the NFL and team owners have not taken a leadership role in responding to the player’s actions.
macan back seat is useless for grown ass adults
fwiw the blades are for air-intake
well yeah they’re not expecting the girl to actually have bigger balls then them and kick their ass. you should have a kill board on your car (or helmet, etc) for every time it happens....
I work at a p dealer - actually the dealer in risky business where the service manager asks tom cruise ‘who’s the uboat commander’ - I know theyre expensive nightmares to own but damnit I’ve always wanted a manual gts
a different iteration of the walking through circular sewers
Bullshit. because if 37 states hadn’t have been verifiably hacked The likelyhood of DJT winning the electoral vote by 70k votes in 10 counties falls to zero