
yup, your man card has been officially revoked. please turn it in at the next monthly jalopnik meeting.

maybe the remake trash from last year, but you seriously dont know good cinema if you talk bullshit like that

Entirely different question!

Is this, or point break, the pinnacle of Anthony Keideis’ acting career?

is there any point to having an independent someone try and pull prints for the cops? It seems kinda shitty that they could match prints against known thiefs but wont...

*Expensive* good quality Nomex is your best friend. Please do not cheap out on that shit

good numbers! now get a decent exhaust on it and a non shitty intake. also not sure if there is a way to directly message you but if you want to get the warranty history on the car Im more than happy to send it to you.

Now playing

or when they’re getting better than 6mpg

I was going to say ‘talk to me and every other air cooled vw/pcar owner when it gets to 1L/1000k and then it’ll be an issue”

Her social media team was on point last night

Go fuck yourself. Is that rhetoric better?

nope, sorry. the problem is you, a non union worker, are benefiting both directly and indirectly from the bargaining that unions do on behalf of their members. you are literally fucking the cow and getting the milk for free as a result of the way the contracts are forced to be structured.

exactly my point! that was the first election where it really wasnt only about the content, it was about the presentation, and Nixons lack of debate prep for ‘new media’ fucked him over quite royally.

theres no assumption needed. one news organization, over the past 40 years has routinely called anything non “politically conservative” enough to be unamerican and not “fair and balanced” and one news outlet has spawned countless knockoffs that fill in the gap linking

Normal people want a debate where facts are compared and the truth wins. 

it would be real interesting to go back to Nixon v Kennedey debate and see how much/what kind of prepwork they did - as the people who watched the debate on TV all said JFK won but the people listening on the radio all said Nixon cleaned up.

no, nothing hillary says will shake the stupid out of the viewers and followers that chris wallace and his ‘news organization’ helped to create. Only direct denouncement by the people from fox/breitbart/worldnutdaily/etc have any possibility of doing that.

no definitely not like that because its a question that doesnt fucking mean anything. Oh gee an ex first lady, congresswoman and secratery of state got paid for speeches!

no, “follow up questions” create an equivlancy narrative to shit that shouldnt have parallels drawn to it ever

bullshit. his job is in no way about lending credence to the equivalence narrative used by “the liberal media” to create a horse race.