Youre the same type of person who got r/watchpeopledie taken off Reddit.
This fills me with joy
Fastest Lorries, indeed!
Love everything about that pic.
I guess I’m the sort of car person that doesn’t get offended by this sort of car making. I like when I work on my Toyota, for example, and everything goes together with children’s toy simplicity. Instead of like a Dodge or BMW where your chances of doing something without having seen an expert do it before with an…
1916kg? How is it so heavy?
Thanks for the additional pics fellow Jalop!
I scrolled through the whole article looking for the DB4.
Because that's not how it's done.
Man, I wish we didn’t have mandatory crash testing in this country. Imagine being able to order a bare floorpan from Tesla and shipping to Italy to see what they could do with it. A Model S Dual Cowl Phaeton would be pretty sweet.
Damn, that photo screams 1970's.
You want to try to do a drift across it to mess with the numbers. That’s what the cool kids do.