
I want a Croc series remaster. I loved those games when I was a kid.

People keep saying "off-key" singing and I don't think that strictly applies here. The vocals, as I will call them from now on, exist on a spectrum from spoken to sung and really exist to tell a story and convey the emotion rather than strictly conform to western music convention. Distinctly defined keys are great

I was three when the album came out and it has been one of my all-time favorites for some time. If you are someone who doesn't have strict ideas about how vocals should be "sung", how songs should be structured, or that music should leave you feeling "good", then you may find this album as amazing as other people do.

I agree that no one just deserves to be given sketches left and right and treated like a star. You definitely have to earn that.

My biggest fear was that this album wind up being important only for the back-story and not for the art. Thankfully, it is truly awesome. We get to hail it as both an accomplishment of LGBT and musical achievement.

I'll bite:

I liked this episode, but feel that an A- is way too high a rating for an episode that had two total duds back-to-back (girlfriends and art exhibit) that totally killed the momentum for me. If the show had ended on those, all my goodwill towards this episode would have been burned away. Instead, Kyle's transcendental