
Then we’ll see what they have.

No, they don’t ignore it. In fact they straight up called it out.

“Dude, there is, like, nothing worse than being stuck in traffic.”

No, I think that’s called Twitter.

What were his opponents thinking about? You’re going up against a 500 pound behemoth and you take NO windup with your arm.. Meanwhile he’s putting his hand up to your temple like the Bear Jew with a baseball bat and then slowly taking his arm back behind him.
Just stupid. I think he’s a Putin plant and these schlubs

I can guarantee you there’s loads of examples of people that lived how they wanted, eating whatever they wanted, and dying early. There’s probably also loads of examples of people trying to be healthy who end up living long lives. And there’s probably examples of loads of people trying to be healthy but dying early

This illegitimate motherfucker just physically threatened the majority of Americans that disapprove of him.

Guillotines in Central Park.

He’s gotten hit on/dropped on his head a lot.  He’s spending money like he’s going to have Dwayne Johnson’s career, and yet...he’s really not.

You should be damned to an eternity of rush hour on the 405 in an ‘89 Daihatsu Charade for buying a car like this and driving it *one fucking mile* before selling it. Jalopnik should publish photos this poor car’s owners so those of us in the Jalop Army can run up and punch them in the dick and balls on sight.

I won’t be surprised when it ends up on BaT in September.

Maybe that’s all they have enough evidence for.

So perhaps this is just a matter of technicians using too much sealant, and it clogging oil passages? That seems like a fairly simple issue.

Man, supra owners are going to have a GREAT time with toyota techs working on their BMW engines....

Worst. Recall. Fix. Ever.

So, since Lori Loughlin is involved, is it fair to say that this scandal is everywhere you look?

Clearly aviation crashes and fatalities have increased as planes have gotten more and more advanced.........Oh, wait:


That’s “wives,” Russ.

Imagine a future where a cracked windshield costs $4000 to replace!

Some historical notes: