Basically this. I have a nephew that will eat only certain foods. Like Spaghettie but no tomatoes. I was close to jaming the food down his throat. I think an unwillingness to eat what is provided, or at least try it is the height of rudeness.
Basically this. I have a nephew that will eat only certain foods. Like Spaghettie but no tomatoes. I was close to jaming the food down his throat. I think an unwillingness to eat what is provided, or at least try it is the height of rudeness.
If you are enjoying the A Realm Reborn content there is no reason, other than price, to not get the rest. I’m new to FF14 as well and found the last quarter, level 30 to 50 to be the most interesting parts of the game.
Not sure about this. Classic WoW for me is running through Badlands at level 23 with me a night elf hunter, my friends, a NE priestess and gnome mage, killing level 35 mobs for max XP. We see a lone Horde, uknown level cause of teh skull and we stop.
Ugh, why is Jack Kirby considered to be so unsung? I’ve grown up with comic books and it was made apparent back in 70's and 80's that Stan Lee was just the boisterous guy who loved the comics and Jack Kirby was the artistic genius behind them.
PS5 and Xbox Scarlet using physical media is one thing, but what are they going to do when Sony and Microsoft and Nintendo decide to offer their games at a cheaper price for digital versions of them? Which is what has happened. I basically wait a year or two for a game to come down to $20 or $30 on the PSN store and…
In covering the Epic Games Store, Kotaku has written about how the consistent, perpetual rage over its mere existence has gotten out of hand. This is the result of the current state of affairs, a world where the realities of economics are so lopsided that an internet commenter who might buy a game is under the…
Wait, i thought we were done trying to make video games like a movie. You can structure a video game narrative to be like a movie or TV show. Alan Wake was a perfect example of tv show format, and Uncharted are the perfect example of a adventure game with a cinematic narrative style.
Why is western science fiction dominated by a retro aesthetic? It works sometimes, like with Firefly tv show being a space western. But that actually held it back in some areas.
The right has no moral center, and the left eats its own.
And Franken didn’t fight for women?
That is a naive statement. Gillibrand “stepped up” and lead the charge because she knew it would help her career. If she wanted to be a leader, and was so burdened by this nonsense then she could have backed up her colleague and ally.
Great article Heather. I’m a 40+ year old proffessional, have a job, house, wife, grown up responsibilities, and my biggest stress relief in my life has been gaming. Recently I have taken to working out but found that to be dangerous as I can over work myself, but I’m getting into shape!
Overwatch is about the most diverse game I have ever seen. Other than players creating their own characters look or back story I’m not seeing a problem in the diversity front.
Games are not just $60.00 anymore. With paid DLC and micro transactions they are much more.
How do you chat? I’m on Brynhildr and no one is talking
Heather, I have asked this before but is this easy to get into? I have tried FF14 before but couldn\t get into it. yet put hundered of hours into other MMO’s.
I worked in DC for a decade and live in baltimore MD my whole life, did the DC commute everyday. what is REALLY jarring is the DC eitquette of standing on side and then coming to Baltimore and its not followed. People stand wherever. Pisses me off.
I’m a bit envious. i could never make it past the first 10 hours of the game to get into the story.
Gimme the spoilers what was rough about it?
Cruise would have murdered that boy. Good lord