
These comments are hilarious.

I love Nintendo fanboys. No matter what Nintendo does it’s always “Glass half full” with you guys.

MS hardware has always been reliable for me. But $150 is way too much. It’s over a third of what the console costs.

I keep forgetting how fragile and weak katanas are.

agreed, I like Michael Bay’s movies, and I enjoyed the Transformers. hated the last one not sure what was going on there.

Boring combat, boring story, grinding levels you faster than story quests.

What the fuck?! You play 1 possible side mission and complain about it being complacent and boring?

Honestly, you really should complete Witcher 2 at some point. That is a really good game and the ending is very satisfying.

Anyone see the movie Ex Machina? Basically I see all of Japans robot fanaticist as this. When the end comes from our mechanical overlords I’m almost positive they would have gotten the idea to kill us all from Japan.


Dammit I want to play this game.

There are some comic book characters that should remain timeless as they are. Captain America, Iron Man, The Hulk, Thor, Batman. And there are others that literally NEED to have a family.

After Shadows of Mordor, the excuse of “it’s a licensed game” to justify a piss poor game has gone out the window. I had high hopes for this game after the last trailer but now.

I'm killing cows. Need money

Screw the Patriots and fuck Tom Brady. He was using switched out balls during the Ravens game and we lost by 3 points. they never should have got to the Superbowl in the first place.

That is a transgender female?!?!?!

I liked FFX and X-2 I never finished it because i realized that 3/4 of the way through I missed out on the options that would give me the epic ending. And seriuosly who replays a Final Fantasy game as soon as you finish it?

one of the best things to happen to Nintendo? really?!

I’m so for this I can’t see straight.

Geralt is generic?! What?!