
Kristen and McCarthy are funny as shit, so I am in.

I don't like this lady and I disagree with her views, but damn. Folks need to calm down with the internet hate.

Not as horrible as I expected. There is definitely a Chronicles vibe going on. And that is not a bad thing.

God, Australia.

We all know Tom Brady did it. I say both Belichick and Brady get suspended for the Super Bowl. Let em suck that shit down.

Overreact? It's fucking stupid.

People don't like the Pats because of shit like this. it's true the Pats have this aura of the "Best Team in Football" with everyone looking like underdogs. But they have gone from proffesional football team to being something out of a fucking comedy. Big team with the head coach willing to do anything to win.

Off topic, I hate this series. Infidelity irks me to no end.

I bought FF14 last year but haven't installed it or played it. Good time for me to jump in? I'm kind of starting cold.

They can kiss my ass with the whole emissions tax BS.

FF7 was released when cartridge gaming was still the thing and using CD's was the next step. One of the things that large CD Storage allowed was for FMV (full motion video). When Super VGA came out in the 90's, it allowed to display photorealistic art. So when it came out, games on CD wasn't just a fad, it was

So did the assault occur or not? I'm completely confused.

I've used that monster around my balls only once. I think it was the 4th Hail Mary that stopped the bleeding on my scrotum.

my next playthrough is nightmare with a Knight Enchanter. It's gonna rock.

This is how Nature should be.

I played basketball, and I would not feel comfortable with a woman coming in the locker room unless it was somebodies mom. The few times it happened where someones mother or grandmother came in the locker room with us, we covered up, if we were undressed, and waited for them to leave before doing anything else.

House of M crossover. Tony Stark builds giant mech to fight against Sentinels, it's a sport in that alternative time line. His father was alive in that time line too.

Damn, outing a troll. This article read like All The Presidents Men.

You're joking right? ME 1 suits where pretty terrible looking.

They said it would be hard to avoid Destiny but despite Kotaku having every day a new article about that game I avoided it. I will do so with the new Call of Duty.