
He didn't kickstart jack. When Robotech came out Transor Z, Speed Racer, Transformers, and Voltron was already VERY popular in the west. He also basically hijacked the three anime in question, primarily Macross so that he and his company would benefit from the work being done in Japan.

Contributing to what problem?

Not saying it's bad, but I have been around women and babies my whole life. I can understand the need for convenience. But pulling out your breast on a subway train, a resturaunt, or wherever is just kind of classless. I'm not a mother. My only option is to use a bottle to feed a baby. And maybe these bold women

Yes, it did work. Cartridges got dust in it. you blow out the dust and it worked.

do you scratch your balls in public?

Well you can call this confessions of a stupid male. When my family and friends breastfed they would leave the table or go to a quiet corner and do the deed. I'm not sure where the option for doing it in public was decided it was a good thing. It's like blowing your nose in your hands while on the bus or scratching

Maybe I am stupid, but I could have sworn this was why we invented baby bottles. So a woman didn't have to whip out their fluid filled breasts to feed their baby.

Sera is female which means we are biologically compatible.

I like Sera and think she is very attractive and would be a fun character to romance.

I'm still pissed off about that.

I remember this game. I freaking LOVED IT. I need to know how to play this game again. This and Actraiser!

I'm just going to point out that, EA had a plan back in 2007 to make better games and to stop the gamer hate.

Hey want to know a fun fact?

Wait, wait, did you mention something about "are there going to be male hostages?" So, when women are depicted in games its' 9 times out of 10 sexist and demeaning. When they are not depicted in games at all it's still a problem. If I was the PR guy I would have shut that crap down too.

Multi console.

Sweet. 4 months after Dragon Age Inquisition, which means I get at least two playthrough before going to Witcher 3. More than likely I will play DA Inquisitor once, dump about 130 hours in, and then play Witcher 2, just so I can get a feel for the current storyline.

And here I thought there was only two genders, male and female. One had ovaries the other had testicles. figure it's pretty simple to tell the difference.

I never laughed out loud at a manga before reading this one.

Why the hell is everything awesome being released in October?! Look at this list!

Do the guys at Marvel Studios shit gold or something? I would have NEVER pegged this as a major investment 5 years ago. Now I CAN NOT WAIT!!!