Because the only way to get a realistic look with green screen is with CGI and hipsters around the world hate CGI.
Because the only way to get a realistic look with green screen is with CGI and hipsters around the world hate CGI.
Origin was shit. Broken shit at that.
Question: Do we hate this guy for even suggesting such a thing? Or do we hate him because we know he could be right?
dccorna, I respect your opinion, but you sound like a plant.
I'm a huge Obsidian fan, but I can understand the critics and detractors of their work. KOTOR2 was a mess, but not there fault. Alpha Protocol was shit, and that was their fault. Never played a more broken game.
The multiplayer isnt' the problem with Batman. They broke the combat system. Animations cannot be interupted during fight so you get smacked around alot. Pisses me off.
Final Fantasy 12 and 13 are the only Final Fantasy games I had no desire to complete.
I watched the G1 series religously as a kid. Spatial dynamics and physics went out the window and had their throats slit when those dudes transformed. So don't even try it with the "Bay fucked it up" outrage.
So why are all the JRPG's on handheld consoles and not regular consoles?
So the strip is about a woman with a game to show off, and instead is rebuffed because she is a woman, in a male dominated industry. At one point she is directly harassed by a journalist who asks for sexual favors instead of asking her questions. At which point she walks away. She sees another woman getting…
Not sure what you were expecting Luke. But that trailer was awesome. As a DIE HARD fan of the Transformers back in the 80's and I had all the Dinobots, this is epic. Can't wait for this.
SOme serious aggression here. Guy was making a compliment that these guys can actually make themselves appear more feminine than many females he sees. Why all the hate?
Its called the vocal minority for a reason. It's why the INternet fails as a polling device.
When I bought a new router I had a HORRIBLE connection with Comcast. Took about over 12 days to get it resolved. In which I would consistenly loose connection to the internet until Comcast finally stopped blaming my router and realized that the issue was on their end and they cleaned up the line and refreshed my…
What about a mode to force the NSA to watch me.
I am a John Scalzi fan. So you get points.
DameB, how the heck is a guy supposed to know if his advances are wanted or not? If I smile at a lady and try to engage in conversation and she is responding then I am going to keep going. Here is what I tell my sister and cousins. Tell a person that they are not interested, straight up. Smile be nice, and…
Wow, they look even dumber, good artwork but the subject is goofy.
You know what I noticed? It costs more to advertise a fucking game then it does to make it. The only game that I saw that was over 50 million to make that I could beleive was spent on pure developement was Star Wars The Old Republic. The voice acting alone should have cost them half that.
Old school gameplay in a MMO is not a good thing.