Something about an electric VW being the Mystery Machine leads me to believe they arent going to be solving too many mysteries.
Something about an electric VW being the Mystery Machine leads me to believe they arent going to be solving too many mysteries.
About damn time. They are going to sell like hotcakes but I fear dealer markups already
I guess for an example, why can’t the EQS just be called an S-class EV? Mercedes could have built it however to fit the specific needs for an EV, but quite simply calling it the EV version of the regular S-class, people will understand that. I think part of the problem to is that the manufacturers care too much about…
“but they’ll still maintain the “E-Tron” name for EVs and TDI for diesel.”
Wow, this looks great inside and out but they really need to black out all bright chrome trim that wraps around the car, namely the rear pillar accent that wraps around the front windscreen and roof rails and the side skirts and lower front/rear spoilers should be body-colored. I don’t mind some modest use of chrome…
Have the CrossClimate 2's and they are really good, they drive normally in clear conditions and rain and are pretty darn good in snow, really solid tire. And tread pattern looks great.
Bar none, Lincoln has the best model names in the industry right now:
This is such a letdown. I was planning on putting a deposit on one of these once they were released - my wife is up for a new car, she specifically wants an EV, she likes minivans, loves the styling of this, and she owns an arts + crafts store which would look great with this parked out front with a two-tone scheme in…
I’m noticing a trend; cars went from light and fun to heavier and more power.
For $30,000 I’ll buy Honda Civic Hybrid.
“From $110,900.”
I didnt realize until just now that Lucid prices for their Air starts under 70k. Still too much for me, but I like seeing the prices on these cars dropping.
Gosh, wouldn’t it be a shame, a real shame, if something like a fire were to happen to 1st Quality Auto Mall (located at 471 West Avenue, Tallmadge, Ohio)?
Buyer is 1000% at fault here. Don’t spend your money on something you don’t take the time to check over. Too bad for their situation but, their fault.
Also, why are you left foot braking on the street? There is no reason to be driving so hard/fast on the street that you need to introduce your left foot. I’m all for spirted driving, I do it plenty myself. However, there is a threshold and if you are pushing your car that hard? Just stop and take it to the track.
I mean, unless you’re treating yourself or fulfilling some personal dream, in which case absolutely go for it, new cars are for suckers. A used cars lets you buy something you always wanted and its been around long enough that you can research it and know what to look for. It already has a ding or two so you don’t…
TBF, 10 mile EV range gets me to work and back.