“Ivanka Trump Says, ‘My Father Is a Feminist,’ and my first boyfriend...
“Ivanka Trump Says, ‘My Father Is a Feminist,’ and my first boyfriend...
Most of my adult life I’ve had a job where I work work 12 hour shifts ( in a 30 day rotations ) on days when things are not going well it might be 18 hours or how ever long it takes ...
This isn’t either or ...
“Please link to any Telsa marketing material”
“First Fatality On A U.S. Bike-Share Rental Bicycle Has Just Happened: Reports”
Funny I don’t even own a Tesla but I seem to be aware of what the limitations of this system are. I think Telsa has made it abundantly clear what the proper use of this systems is.
When I was was young we were forced to spend a lot more time learning how to do things to prove to our elders we understood why things worked they way the did. And it was a pain in the ass, but that experience has also saved my ass repeatedly over the years.
No general population compared to Florida residents ....
I work on highly automated ships in offshore oil industry we have found that youngest generation of bridge crew do very poorly when the automation falls out. And sometimes it’s absolutely painful to watch them trying to control the vessel manually.
“A) First and foremost, Tesla puts “marketing” (way) before safety.”
How about taking responsibility for the vehicle you’re driving ? Airplanes and ships also heavily rely on autopilots but that doesn’t mean you stop paying attention to what’s going on ones you flip the switch.
“one even intimated that she was to call the cops!”
Oh please tell us about your shit job...
We had this a few years ago....
“ Put down the koolaid.”
“so does our freedom of movement.”
“I Can’t Find Anything To Hate About This Hipster Land Cruiser”
“This is STILL a coved Toyota pickup”
“they just don’t want to be caught off guard, possibly causing a panic attack while trying to do homework.”
Oh please let Texas leave ....