What kind of job have you applied for ?
What kind of job have you applied for ?
LOL funny how having an app makes you a technology company....
Don’t you know having an app means you don’t have to follow rules .. And anybody that says any different is being mean.
“Why does Uber and Lyft believe they’ll have less drivers signing up if they have to undergo fingerprint background checks?”
It doesn’t take long I’m not sure what this guy is talking about.
Can’t some just make this awful woman go away ?
If the woman that gave birth to me ( calling her mom would be too kind ) had lived long enough to see me get my driver license I would have run her over...
Exactly who needs approval if you have an app.... Apparently if you have an app you can run an unlicensed taxi operation or a hotel anywhere you want....
Maybe I’m showing my age here . But when did it become a requirement do be chauffeured everywhere ? As a kid I had three modes of transportation , walking, biking or riding the bus.
It wasn’t anti-gravity but rather the key to the Infinite Improbability Drive. Thereby making Florida a totally logical place.
No ... morons elected those morons
Some of my functions show up on the screen. So I guess I would lose that with a 3rd party head unit
Some of my functions show up on the screen. So I guess I would lose that with a 3rd party head unit
So I’ll start off by say I haven done any researched on this yet.
So I’ll start off by say I haven done any researched on this yet.
I think he is probably referring to the market he is in. But you can obviously take it to an absurd level ...
I’ll take actual experience over driven and ambitious any day ...
“Hey, what if you had an ambitious, young writer”
“Hillary Clinton Promises That Half of Her Cabinet Will Be Women”