Name calling rarely wins arguments or wins people over to your side. But it explains why Hillary and her supporter turn people off. So please keep talking so everyone can see what you’re all about
Name calling rarely wins arguments or wins people over to your side. But it explains why Hillary and her supporter turn people off. So please keep talking so everyone can see what you’re all about
Or maybe Gloria is just pulling shit out her ass ?
Name calling ? And you wonder why Hillary and her supporters turn people off..... But keep talking and show the world what your all about..
Sort of like “natural flavors “in food, which sounds good but are anything but real....
You forgot be real .... She can’t pull that one of to save her life.
I think we have a real problem if we think we should only vote for people of the same race , gender , age , religion, etc.. as we are. An election isn’t there to put the person that looks most like me , in office it’s to hopefully find a person who is trustworthy and component.
You’re not going to win me or anyone I know over ... I’ll sit this election out before I’ll vote for her. My days voting for the better of two bad candidates are over.
I thought she was busy watching abortion videos
“I’ve been waiting a long time for a female president.”
You sure you’re not a Republican are you? Do we all need to tow the party line? Is the first rule of being a liberal that we don’t speak ill of Hillary?
Men in my family don’t live especially long anyway, So I’m at peace with my impending death, by bus or otherwise.
Only if you’re fear based. That being said a key component conservatism is fear of change, fear of the other....
I agree with you ...
I’m in mid 40's but depending on how you look at it there is always a chance that the next election might be my last election.
I’m sure Gloria would be offended by someone make generalizations about an entire gender....
“who has the stones to say since people make their employment choices throughout life,”
I’ve traveled a lot, and I’ve seen a lot of suffering and injustice. At some point, I realized much of this was not due to a lack bootstraps.
I support Bernie because of who he is, not what he is. I oppose Hillary because who she is, not what she is.
The dumbest line I‘ve heard so far is “vote for Hillary if you want to see a female president in your lifetime”
“Men tend to get more conservative because they gain power as they age,”